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So much more than Drugs and Alcohol



Employee Assistance Professional/Program has become synonymous with drugs and alcohol, but we are so much more than that. If there is a challenge that is affecting your work productivity chances are we may be a resource to assist. No we don’t have a magic button or all the answers or the answers you always want to hear but we have a vast wealth of knowledge at our fingertips and within our professional community.
You are not the first person to walk or call into EAP with a difficult problem, it may be the first time for us, however, within our network of confidential resources we are capable of addressing most challenges. For example, did you know you may have access to free legal advice from worklife? Did you know if you have a family member being bullied from school/media we have resources for that? Lastly did you know if your marriage is slightly on the rocks we have counselors and therapists that can assist; in this messy world “assist” doesn’t always mean fix – yes some marriages will inevitably dissolve. And yes we do handle cases involving substance abuse (drugs) and alcohol. As I mentioned life gets messy and it can affect our work performance, however there is no shame is getting help. We all have skeletons in our closets and behaviors we have done that we certainly are not proud of, an employee assistance professional is not the judge. We don’t judge; we listen intently, assess and refer. I happen to be one of the new EAP’s in this professional community and there currently has not been a challenge my colleagues have not been able to promptly support. So, if you or a family member is feeling stress, anxiety or just need to vent from these complex lives we live in, make the move and make the call.
Archie Hunnicutt
Teamsters Local Union 1150/Sikorsky

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